Snow Plough
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- Feeder Wagons
- Furrow Plough
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- Weeder harrow
- Winter Equipment
- Wood chipper / Branch logger / Log splitter
Are you worried about the snow this winter?
If you’re yet to invest in a snow plough, now is the perfect time of year to do so. Making sure you’re well-equipped for the colder months ahead is a wise choice, and at Machinery Sales EU, we have a range of snow ploughs to get you through the winter.
A snowplough is a vehicle-mounted device used to remove snow and ice from outdoor surfaces, and with our snow plough, you can be certain to keep your roads safe during the snowy season.
The plough will be suitable for clearing snow from wide roads, large squares, and parking lots. It has a large working width, which makes it easier to remove snow from large areas and move around freely. It has spring-loaded protection that absorbs impact on obstacles and supports the feet, and rubber is used to make the blade. Standard Euro bracket and CAT2 three-point linkage
Available in PSV 2.6m or PSV 3.0, we also have other options such as the Snow Ploug Front or Rear and the Snow Plough V Type.
Whatever you’re looking for when it comes to agricultural machines, you can trust in the team at Machinery Sales EU Ltd.